The Jogging Jeweler #17

The Jogging Jeweler
|The Old Croton Aqueduct Usage - Part 3.1 |
First - to address the participation in this survey, you all were outstanding! THANK YOU! Supporting the cause and driving education of our community is the first step into developing enhancements that we all benefit from. 224 of you demonstrated working together on this survey, that makes this Jogging Jeweler brimming with sunshine in pride for our Rivertowns!
Second - the devil is in the details, we're taking it slow and breaking the survey into two blogs. All of the information is important and to keep from losing people on the survey results of questions three and four, they'll be posted in a blog tomorrow.
So - read on, share, talk about how many people use the OCA & of course, stay tuned!
Question #1 - How often do you use the OCA?
- The leading group (55 Votes) - 17 times or more/month. In a four-week month, that is four visits to the OCA per week.
- The Second leading group (54 votes) - 2-4 times/month, one visit per week in a four-week month.
- Third Leading group (50 votes) - 5-10 times/month, 2-3 visits per week in a four-week month.
Does usage of the OCA directly impact the residents of our villages on a regular basis? - Yes.
Why? - Of the top three groups of users - 159 people use the OCA weekly. Include the fifth group, which was not a majority, however uses the OCA frequently (11-16 times/month) - 187 people use the OCA weekly. That's 83% of the people that took the survey using the OCA at minimum once per week, but typically more.
Question #2 - Where do you enter the OCA?
Going to break it down village by village, adding details where due as again - the devil is in the details.
- Hastings - 81 Votes - Sharing is caring. Boy did HOH turn out! The survey was shared more by the residents of HOH, so more than likely their skew of higher numbers is a result of that.
- Irvington - 52 Votes - Irvington welcomed our family to the Rivertowns. My experiences there do not surprise me that this village turned out the votes, when Irvington gets behind something, they go after it & are a force I admire.
- Dobbs Ferry - 50 Votes - My hometown, the village I was concerned would skew the results because of knowing a larger portion of the audience did not in fact skew to being higher. Take what meaning you will from that...
- Tarrytown - 39 Votes - Tarrytown surprised me, they're just far enough north that I wasn't sure our survey would reach or relate, but 39 votes!
- Yonkers - 2 Votes - Not shocked, Yonkers was the only town I could not find a community group for on Facebok, unless I'm missing it? (I'm sure if there's one a kind and smart person will point it out for me :-)
Did one village demonstrate more usage over another? Hastings-on-Hudson clearly rocked the survey, however as mentioned above it did benefit from sharing within the community. HOWEVER - let this be an excellent demonstration why sharing is caring! If you want something addressed, you need people - lots of people - people talking about the lack of crosswalks, asking questions about where you run, pointing out flaws in your survey, and sharing the desire to create safe roads, sidewalks, and trails.
Comments on this post (1)
Great work! As a family who lives adjacent to the aqueduct, we observe just how many people use it and how. It’s not just people running, biking and walking but people who are going to the store with grocery carts, carrying things from one place to another. It’s used as a road without cars. There are nannies with strollers, dog walkers, workmen carrying materials to jobs.Students use it as a road to get to school.
We should do all we can to protect and preserve the space and the views of the river which can be seen from the aqueduct. Little by little, these views are being taken away by uncaring developers and officials.
— Peggie Blizard