The Jogging Jeweler #47

Sometimes as a creative you start down one path, only to realize, wait! I saw something behind me that I need to go get. With that now in your minds, I'm skipping over Part 2 of #46 to bring you blog #47. The following events inspired the second half of #46, and somewhat keep in line with the origin of #thejoggingjeweler.
Shh... it Happens
We left our house on a bliss-ful 70 degree December afternoon to go to our first family portrait since newborn photos. Yes, I know - five years.
We stopped at the intersection at the end of our block, 5 houses from home. I had barely grabbed my phone from my bag when I looked up to see an SUV sliding toward my husband in the driver’s seat.
Arms stretched outward, I prayed my go-go-gadget arms would miraculously stop the car heading towards my family.
Plastic cracking. Shards flying. Metal crumpling.
In slow-motion, the airbags deployed in the other car.
Handbag flying from my hand as I turned to put my eyes on our five year old. “Are you okay?” I gasp.
Biting her lip with eyes wide and bleary, she nods, “Yes mommy”.
The other car is rolling, away. Airbags inflated block the windows. I look at John, he also nods.
I leap from our car as John backs away from the stop sign. Running over to stand, stupidly, in front of the slowly rolling SUV.
“Are you okay?” I yell. The driver is dis-oriented.
The car creeping towards me, I yell. Again, holding my arms out, “Park. Put it in park!”
The driver's mouth is moving, but either I can’t hear her, or we're not understanding each other. I’m so confused.
Suddenly two men from the auto-body shop are running towards us, they’re at the vehicle, opening the door. They cut the airbags with a pocket knife and get the car in park. The driver steps out - okay.
Back at our car John is on the phone with 911 and Ele is still strapped in and crying. I unbuckle and grab her, cradling her long body in my arms. My mascara dripping down her cheeks. We’re okay - but we’re not.
All three vehicles were totaled. Our vehicle had over $20k worth of damage. Every single person involved had a seat-belt on. We all walked away.
Every. THING. is. BIGGER.
Texas roads are faster. Texas roads are wider. The vehicles are bigger. Everything’s bigger in Texas - remember?
Thank god ...we had our seat belts on. Thank god...we were the bigger vehicle. Thank god...we all had insurance. Thank god...there were no pedestrians.
Mind-blown....I’ve been in a few accidents. I was riding in the front seat of the family mini-van when one of my parents hit a student from my elementary school. In high school, a sleeping deer got spooked as I pulled into our driveway and jumped into the side of my car. I’ve slid into ditches, collided bumpers on slick roads, but never, have I ever had my family, my entire purpose, heart and soul with me.
To say it’s an adrenaline rush is an understatement. It is bubble bursting. From a perfect sunny afternoon and SNAP! Back into the reality that we are constantly vulnerable and every choice we make matters.
Now what?!
This accident brought me clarity as I struggled for weeks to find purpose for The Jogging Jeweler. That clarity came in the form of honesty about what I do as a choice maker whether that’s as a runner, mother, family food buyer, lunch packer, room mom, or community voice. Ultimately making choices is about controlling a situation - whether that's our health, safety, or environment.
Change - the right, wrong word.
So, while The Jogging Jeweler may seem like it is going through a change in topics and purpose I must admit that I have developed a recent dislike for the word - change. Change has a stigma of blindly being forever, with no attachment or recognition of the past attached to it. As a word it can conjure anger, irrational actions, and vehemently, ignorant disapprovals at a moments whiff.
Change, as I have always believed, is good for the soul. However in light of what I experienced emotionally, mentally, and physically with this accident, I have come to realize that adaptation, education, and growth are better adjectives for the transformative experiences that lead us to choosing an alternative path in life.
Keep your eyes out for the continuation of blog #46 for greater details as to the new topics to come!!
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