The Jogging Jeweler #22

The Jogging Jeweler
| Saw Mill River Parkway Crosswalk |
This video demonstrates a first for The Jogging Jeweler - prior to this video I had never crossed the Saw Mill River Parkway at Lawrence Street. Crossing at this location posed no immediate problems however in my time standing there I did observe a few things.
- This video clip is two minutes and twenty seconds long - I stood there for roughly two minutes waiting for the crosswalk to signal I could cross.
- About 12 seconds in a Westchester County SUV pulls in front of the vehicles stopped at the light, then enters and crosses the intersection ahead of the signal - the driver of that vehicle has a phone up to ear their the entire time....
- As I enter the crosswalk, the first vehicle from the right most oncoming lane of traffic, the white SUV, begins to enter the intersection as I am crossing - you can kind of see from the camera movement that I hesitate because I'm not sure if she sees me - she does as she waves me on and then proceeds to turn on her blinker. I wave to say thank you because she graciously communicated with me and did not run me over.
If you don't know, now you know.
What can we possibly learn from these observations?
- The construction of Rivertowns Square, a large retail and residential development that is being built at this intersection is likely to see an increase in pedestrian usage. I crossed to access the South County Trailway, I imagine that the people residing in the units at this location are going to want to do the same thing. Two minutes is a long time for people to wait, contemplating dashing across the road against the signal.
- New York State Law says the following about driving and cell phones:
Under New York State law you cannot use a hand-held mobile telephone or portable electronic device while you drive. Illegal activity includes holding a portable electronic device and
- talking on a handheld mobile telephone
- composing, sending, reading, accessing, browsing, transmitting, saving, or retrieving electronic data such as e-mail, text messages, or webpages
- viewing, taking, or transmitting images
- playing games
If you use a portable electronic device while you drive (except to call 911 or to contact medical, fire or police personnel about an emergency), you can receive a traffic ticket and be subject to a fine and a surcharge.
- New York State Law & Your Turn Signals - (b) A signal of intention to turn right or left when required shall be given continuously during not less than the last one hundred feet traveled by the vehicle before turning.
What's my point?
- We're going to need enhancements to the crosswalk at this intersection - 4 lanes + 1 turn lane = 5 lanes, cars traveling +45mph, and no pedestrian refuge in the middle - likely to see another accident - SMRP & Lawerence St.
- Pay attention when you're driving - this person was law enforcement, likely dealing with an emergency, but that doesn't mean you should be on your phone while driving too.
- Use your turn-signal to communicate.
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