The Jogging Jeweler #8

The Jogging Jeweler
| Survey Says |
[Updated: 2/17/17 in italics]
This pie chart was from 2/15/17........
Other answers given (as of 2/15/17):
- Broadway & Eldredge Place
- Broadway & Maple Street
- Broadway & Grandview
- Broadway & Clinton
I pushed the survey more via Facebook this is how they changed:
Other answers added (as of 2/17/17):
- McClelland/Broadway
- All intersections on Main Street
- Walnut Street & Main Street
Previously the blue heavily outweighed all the categories - now each category has a similar slice of of pie. Meaning that these crosswalk problems are not just located in one area, but are widespread throughout several areas of our village.
What questions about pedestrian safety, traffic, and parking would you like to see in a survey?
[Original Blog resumes below]..........
Why take 20 seconds to answer?
Because it builds data and answers other questions like:
- How many people walk?
- How many people care about this issue?
- Do people recognize this as an issue?
- Where have they experienced difficulty with cars stopping?
- Which crosswalk should we ask local PD to enforce?
- Which crosswalk needs help first?
Great - so I have these answers, now what??
- Share the survey! - The more residents of Dobbs Ferry that take 20 seconds to answer - the louder our voice & more powerful the data becomes when I share it with the Board of Trustees, Mayor Connett, Chief of Police, State Legislators, Paul Feiner, Mercy College, Masters, Safe Routes, The Friends of the Old Croton Aqueduct and frankly - whoever else I can get to listen and enlist in helping.
- Like, Comment, & Re-Post! - Wh-yyyyy? To stay on someone's mind - we have to keep re-surfacing on Facebook newsfeeds, Patch, LoHud, The Daily Voice, News 12, The Hudson Independent, The Rivertowns Enterprise, and more. Think of your email inbox - it is inundated with emails, once opened an email moves further down your screen as new messages come in, and you remembering to reply becomes less and less likely.
Seconds folks - that's all I'm asking for. Taking a survey is 20 seconds - hitting like, heart, or angry face takes 1 second. Making a comment like - "Unbelievable!" - maybe another 10 seconds. Plus, you're letting me know you don't like almost getting hit by cars too ;-)
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