Fine Jewelry Care

Taking care of your fine jewelry, whether Alice & Chains Jewelry made it or not, is a priority.
Top Reasons to Keep it Clean:
- Keeping it clean, keeps it safe - if your jewelry is clean you are more likely to see any damage that has occurred, and therefore more able call someone like myself, to assess and care for the piece. For example, prongs wear down or become loose with time and if that goes unnoticed, the devastating consequence is a lost stone.
- "Get your shine on" #floridageorgialine - the cleaner your jewelry is the brighter the metal shines, the more vibrant the colors appear, and the more sparkles the stone(s) cast.
- In case of a jewelry emergency - having regularly cleaned your jewelry will actually benefit your jewelry in the awful scenario that it needs repairs. When repairs are made, the metal is submitted to high levels of heat during soldering, opening the metal's pores, allowing for dirt and debris to enter the surface - which can make repairs impossible. It is never fun being the bearer of bad news when an owner brings in their ring thinking one thing is wrong and I have to go back to them that their piece is in fact more severely damaged than they thought.
Keeping it Clean:
- Below is an example jewelry cleaning product available for a reasonable price on Amazon, but similar products can be found at Walgreens, Target, Walmart, etc.
- ALWAYS read the instructions before using - products like this shouldn't be used on silver jewelry or porous stones.
- Use at minimum once a week for jewelry you wear daily.
- Dry with a lint-free towel, like a tea towel from your kitchen to keep prongs, clasps, and such from snagging on fibers.
- These jars tend to leak from the lid when used. I recommend keeping this product in a safe, up-right location and on a paper towel or coaster to prevent it from damaging any furniture.
- Once the liquid gets near a 1/3 left, it's time to buy a new one!
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— xnahzszwne
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— onqkdhidoh