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Dust off your Shoulders


Dust off your Shoulders



Dust off your Shoulders are a one-of-a-kind black, gold, & teal magnetic epaulette worn for an asymmetrical adornment to a blazer, dress, or sweater from London Fashion Week.
An epaulette is an adornment worn on the shoulder of one's outfit; think military, marching band or my inspiration the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. This epaulette, however, is not limited to just shoulder wearing. Created to be worn on the runway of London Fashion Week. The magnets allow this piece to be worn not just through the thicker materials of a blazer or sweater, but also along the back of a dress at the top of the waistline, creating a pop of fun for just the right dress. Or perhaps even along the top of a blazer pocket, mimicking menswear's current obsession with pocket squares and lapel pins as well as offering a throwback to brooches.
Links to view the Beaded Epaulette at London Fashion Week: